Commercial auto insurance Arizona with Huckleberry Insurance

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Commercial auto insurance Arizona with Huckleberry Insurance

Commercial auto coverage in Arizona

Does your Arizona business require you to hit the desert roads in a motor vehicle? Don’t forget to get a business auto insurance policy. Commercial auto insurance provides the same coverages as a personal auto policy. So, if your business uses motor vehicles for work purposes, like cargo vans, commercial trucks, and semi trucks, you’re going to need this type of coverage. 

Another confusing insurance coverage to worry over? Not so much. Business auto insurance largely follows the same rules as personal auto insurance: Commercial auto liability insurance pays out for any bodily injury or property damage you might cause with a named vehicle on your business policy. Meanwhile, commercial collision coverage and comprehensive coverage protect the vehicle itself.

Still wondering how commercial auto can fit into your Arizona small business policy? Huckleberry is here to answer your questions. Or just skip straight to the good stuff: Take a few minutes to get a commercial auto insurance quote today. 

Here are the types of vehicles that commercial auto insurance can cover:

  • Scheduled vehicles: Any vehicle listed on your small business insurance policy.
  • All owned autos: Any vehicles your business owns. 
  • Hired and non-owned auto: Vehicles that you rent for your business. Applies to other non-owned cars, such as employees’ vehicles used for business purposes.
  • Any car coverage: Any business-owned vehicle, plus liability coverage for hired and non-owned vehicles. This can also include Drive Other Car insurance, which covers executive members and their spouses when driving a non-owned vehicle.
  • Equipment coverage: Forklifts, trailers, and other transportation equipment.

Who’s the policyholder for a commercial auto policy? Well, as the business owner, you are...usually. Additionally, your policy can extend to your employees (either your entire workforce or just those employees who need to drive for their job).

Commercial auto insurance Arizona with Huckleberry Insurance

How much does commercial auto insurance cost in Arizona?

Insurers determine commercial auto policy premiums based on several factors: location, driving records, how high the policyholder sets bodily injury liability and property damage liability limits, deductible amounts, and more. 

Never fear! Huckleberry provides some of the lowest rates for business auto insurance; in fact, this auto coverage is cheapest if you bundle it into your Business Owner’s Policy. (Most insurers prefer it that way, too.) 

Take a minute or two to get a commercial auto quote with Huckleberry. We promise it’s easy as pie. Plus, our team of licensed insurance agents is ready to answer any questions you may have about getting your small business protected.

Most common industries that get commercial auto insurance:

Commercial auto insurance Arizona with Huckleberry Insurance

Why choose Huckleberry for commercial auto insurance coverage?

3 reasons why Arizonans from Phoenix to Mesa should go for a commercial auto policy with Huckleberry: 

  1. It’s cheap. You might save big on your small business policy.
  2. It’s online. No more dealing with brick-and-mortar insurance agencies. 
  3. It’s fast. No matter your insurance needs, get near-instant coverage.

Frequently asked questions: Arizona commercial auto insurance

  • As a small business owner in Arizona, you’ll want commercial auto insurance for several covered reasons. Consider if the following questions apply to your small business: 

    • Does your business own at least one vehicle? 
    • Does your business transport goods or people for a fee in a personal vehicle—not for a rideshare service?
    • Does your business conduct any professional service with or out of a vehicle? 
    • Does your business haul tools or equipment with a vehicle or tractor-trailer? 
    • Do any of your employees need to drive as a part of their job?

    If you answered “yes” to at least one of the above questions, you can probably guess what you need: commercial auto insurance.

  • Just like workers’ compensation and general liability insurance, commercial auto insurance is the type of policy that could cushion you from massive legal fees or otherwise prohibitive costs, like medical expenses or property damage bills.

    Additionally, your commercial auto policy might offer roadside assistance, personal injury protection, medical payments coverage, and financial protection from vandalism, depending on the amount of coverage you select—a win-win! Whether you’re in Gilbert or Glendale, get the commercial vehicle insurance you need with Huckleberry today.

  • No—a commercial auto insurance policy only covers business use of a vehicle. However, commercial auto insurance can cover a personal vehicle that you use for business purposes. (In this case, your business auto policy will only kick in if you get in an accident while on the clock. Your personal auto policy covers you for all non-business-related driving.)

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